Saturday, March 24, 2007

The City of Churches

Adelaide was once known as the city of churches. Here are just a few of the beautiful churches in the city, or as Australians call it, the CBD (central buriness dictrict). Most are made out of stone that was mined from the hills just outside of the city.

Torrens River

The North side of the city is bounded by the Torrens River. There are parks all along it with boat launches for rowing clubs and really nice trails where I have been running while I am staying in the city. Odd fact - Swans here are black. And they have red beaks. I overheard a little girl telling her dad all swans are black with red beaks. I guess she has never been to the states!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday I switched hotels and I am now staying in downtown Adelaide. Pretty different from the beach. This is the main shopping area in downtown, Rundle Mall. It is actually really big, several city blocks long and there are these groups of stores they call arcades all up and down the street.

I thought this was pretty funny! Mom, I thought you would really enjoy it. There were bronze pigs all over in this area, I don't really know why but people seem to use them as benches

So I went to Cleland Wildlife Park this weekend. It was pretty neat, although it was too hot to get to hold a koala. I did get to pet one and I fed kangaroos. I can't tell you what some of these animals are, but I was right up next to them. This place just lets you walk through a huge park and go right up to the animals. Except for a few of course that are dangerous. It was a little freaky at first, you walk down this sidewalk and little rat like things just come running in front of you. But I got used to it and it was really a nice time.

Monday, March 5, 2007

This is the big fountain in the center of downtown Adelaide. It is in a square called Victoria Park. I think there were Aborigines there that day screaming in another language, a little freaky
Here I am with the Adelaide skyline behind me. All those lights are for the Cricket field. I guess that is a realyl big deal here.

This is the pier by where I am staying. They call it a Jetty and the road leading to it is Jetty road. Creative, huh? Above it, that is Jetty road with all the shops and cafes and then above that is the little square, callled Mosely square, at the end of Jetty road in GLenelg where I am staying.

This beach is one block from my hotel. It looks nice, but the water is still really cold. Even though friday it was 108! It feels like I am back in Texas!

Here is the view from my hotel room, sorry it was a cloudy day when I took it. I will take one when it is sunnier later. Since that is every day it shouldn't be too hard!