Over the Queen's Birthday Weekend I went to Sydney. And of course, with my luck, it rained the whole time I was there. We are talking torential, flooding rains. Kinda ruined my plans of walking all over the place. So I took the bus instead. I still got to see a lot of the sights and it was still a good weekend. And go figure, I woke up this morning to leave for my 9 am flight to blue skies. The Opera house was really amazing, but beleive it or not, the coolest part was the bathroom! I didn't feel right taking pictures inside there, but it was so neat! The wall of stalls was curved like a bunch of waves and the sink was this long piece of flat metal and the water fell to the back and went into the wall. i am doing a bad job of explaining, but if you are ever in Sydney, be sure to use the bathrooms at the Opera House!
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